Jamie Freveletti - Running from the Devil

Running from the Devil

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Автор: Jamie Freveletti
Жанр: Прочее
Год: неизвестен
Издатель: неизвестно
ISBN: нет данных
Кол-во страниц: 34
Просмотров: 84

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Jamie Freveletti - Running from the Devil краткое содержание

Jamie Freveletti - Running from the Devil - описание и краткое содержание, автор Jamie Freveletti, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки Topreading.net
A race against evil . . . Emma Caldridge, a chemist for a cosmetics company, is en route from Miami to BogotA when her plane is hijacked and spins out of control into the mountains near the Venezuelan border. Thrown unhurt from the wreckage, she can do nothing but watch as guerrillas take the other passengers hostage. An endurance marathon runner, Emma silently trails the guerrillas and their captives, using her athletic prowess and scientific knowledge to stay alive. Those skills become essential when she discovers an injured passenger, secret government agent Cameron Sumner, separated from the group. Together they follow the hostages, staying one step ahead by staying one step behind. Meanwhile, as news of the hijacking breaks in Washington, the Department of Defense turns to Edward Banner, former military officer and current CEO of a security consulting firm, for help. Banner quickly sends a special task force to the crash site, intent on locating the survivors before it's too late. But finding Emma and Sumner is only the beginning, as Banner starts to realize that Emma was on a personal mission when the plane went down. There is more to the beautiful, talented biochemist than anyone ever imagined, for in her possession is a volatile biological weapon in an ingenious disguise, one that her enemies have set for auction to the highest bidder. Combining the action-packed plotting of Lee Child and Daniel Silva, and the rich scientific detail of Kathy Reichs and Tess Gerritsen, "Running from the Devil" is a breathtaking debut from a bold and daring new author.

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